
Brief Introduction

Area of Specialization:

  • Food safety
  • Bacteriophage

Five best Research articles:

  • Anjay, S.C. Das A. Kumar, P. Kaushik and B. Kurmi (2013). Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from saltwater fish samples by Vp-toxR PCR. Indian Journal of Fisheries. 60 (1): 141143.
  • Anjay, S.C. Das, A. Kumar, P. Kaushik and B. Kurmi (2014). Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in marine fish and shellfish. Indian journal of Geo-marine Science. 43 (5): 887-890.
  • Anjay, S.C. Das, A. Kumar, P. Kaushik and Savita Kumari (2016). Pathogenic and pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus detection in fish and shellfish isolates. Indian journal of Geo-marine Science. 45(9): 1195-1198.
  • Abhishek, B. Kumar, Anjay, A.K. Mishra, C. Prakash, A. Priyadarshini, M. Rawat (2018). Immunization with Salmonella Abortusequi phage lysate protects guinea pig against the virulent challenge of SAE-742. Biologicals. 56: 24-28.
  • Purushottam Kaushik, Anjay, Savita Kumari, Shanker Dayal and Sunil Kumar (2018). Antimicrobial resistance and molecular characterisation of E. coli from poultry in Eastern India. Veterinaria Italiana, 54 (3): 197-204.

Other publications:

  • Research article: 29
  • Review article:    03
  • Popular article:    07
  • Books authored:  00
  • Book chapters written: 01

Members of Professional Societies

  • Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists

Research Activities

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl. No.

Title of the Project

Year of Start

Funding agency


1. FIST Programme-2016 2016-17 Ministry of Science and Technology, Gov. of India Co-PI
2. Outreach programme of zoonotic diseases 2017-18 ICAR, New Delhi Co-PI
3. Assessment of Moringa oleifera as fodder. 2018-19 BASU, Patna Co-PI
4. Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages targeting food borne pathogens from sewage samples of livestock farm. 2019-20 BASU, Patna PI
5. Metagenomic analysis of chicken gut microflora and its modulation by supplementation of tanins and virginiamycin. 2019-20 BASU, Patna Co-PI
6. Colorimetric detection of E. coli, Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitis milk samples by optical biosensing using oligonuceleotide- Gold Nanoparticles. 2019-20 BASU, Patna Co-PI
7. Collaborating centre under Indian Network of Fisheries and Animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR). 2020-21 BASU, Patna Co-PI

Honours and Awards

  • Junior Research Fellowship Award (2008-10) by ICAR, Pusa, New Delhi.
  • Dr. S.P. Singh Best Research Award (2012) by Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS).
  • Best oral presentation award (2014) by IAVMI.
  • Best Poster presentation award (2015) by Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS).
  • Best Poster presentation Award (2015) by National Academy of Veterinary Science (NAVS).
  • Best Researcher Award (2016) by Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813 210, Bhagalpur, Bihar.
  • Best Poster Presentation Award (2018) by Society for Agricultural Innovation and Development, Ranchi & BASU, Patna.