Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education


Since its inception, the department of Extension education actively engaged in teaching of Animal husbandry extension courses as per VCI Curriculum in U.G. program. As extension teaching is concerned with farmer’s problem and their remedies, and ensures involvement of students in different extension activities carried out by organizing outreach activities like vaccination camps, Animal health camps, farmer’s awareness camps etc. in rural areas..

Besides teaching the Department of extension undertakes various programme of extension activities to transfer the technology at farmers level. At early stage of its inception, the department was sanctioned lab to land programme (ICAR transfer of technology programme) and accordingly was organizing demonstration, off campus training and other extension activities. The department also established Animal diagnostic & treatment centre at village level. Presently the department of extension is under taking many extension activities  such as on campus training, demonstration, organizing rural camps, Kisan Mela, Kisan Gosthi for the welfare of the farmers and improving direct linkage between department and farmers field situation. Training of paravets, vaccination awareness programme for control of contagious diseases, adoption of innovation for socio-economic upliftment of livestock farmers, increasing livestock entrepreneurial traits of livestock farmers are other important activities of the department.


  • To cater the needs of teaching at Under-graduate and Post-graduate level on the different courses of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education.
  • To conduct need based researches in the field of Extension Education.
  • Conduct various extension programmes related to the improved production and animal health.



  • Video Conferencing system
  • Training Hall
  • Conference Hall
  • A.V. Lab.
  • Kisan Pramarsha Kendra
  • Medicinal Garden
  • Vermicompost and Azola unit etc.

Academic Activities

S. No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hrs. Instructor’s Name

B.V.Sc & A/.H. courses

1 3rd Professional year Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension 3+1=4 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
2 TVC 421 Veterinarian in Society 1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh

M.V. Sc. Courses

1 PGS – 503 Intellectual Property and Its
Management in Agriculture
1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
2 PGS – 505 Agricultural Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes 1+0=1 Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
3 PGS – 506 Disaster Management 1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
4 AHE – 601 Fundamentals of Veterinary & A. H. Extension     2+1=3 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
5 AHE    602 Communication for livestock development


1+1=2 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
6 AHE – 603 Diffusion and Adoption of A. H. Practices     2+1=3 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
7 AHE – 604 Extension Techniques and Audio Visual Aids 2+1=3 Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,

Dr. Pankaj Kumar

8 AHE – 605 Animal Husbandry Programme Planning and Evaluation 2+1=3 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
9 AHE – 608 Animal Husbandry Development Programmes 1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh
10 AHE — 609 Developments in the concepts of Extension 1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
11 AHE – 610 Human Resource Management in Animal Husbandry Sector     2+1=3 Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
12 AHE – 611 Gender and Livestock Development 1+0=1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
13 AHE – 612 Information and communication Technology in Livestock Development     1+1=2 Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak,
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
14 AHE – 699 Master Research 0+15=15 Dr. Pankaj Kumar,
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak

Research Activities

Completed Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Duration Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Popularization of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK’s) in Animal Husbandry, through Demonstration and Training in Bihar 2 Years
Bihar Agricultural University, Patna PI: Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
C-PI: Dr. Pankaj Kumar
2. Training needs assessment and capacity building of Dairy owners for entrepreneurship development in Diara Area of Bihar 2 Years
Bihar Agricultural University, Patna PI : Dr. Pankaj Kr
Co-PI : Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
3. Assessment of educational needs for promoting innovations in Dairy husbandry in different agro-climatic regions of northern India 6 Month
Agricultural Education Division,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
PI : Dr. Nishant Kumar
Co-PI : Dr. Saroj Kr. Rajak

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Year of Start Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Improving rural livelihood security of tribal and resource constrained farmers of North Bihar through low cost technology of Animal Husbandry and allied sector 2019 ICAR-NASF PI : Dr. Pankaj Kr
Co-PI : Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
2. Adoption of Quail farming in different system and assessment of its productivity performance under deep litter and cage system of housing. 2018-19 BASU, Patna PI : Dr. Pankaj Kr
Co-PI : Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
3. Identifying factors affecting health behaviour of tribes of Uttarakhand and developing dairy based interventions to improve their health and livelihood status 2019 ICMR, New Delhi PI : Dr. Nishant Kumar
Co-PI : Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak

Faculty Members

S. No Name Mobile No. Email ID More
1 Dr. Pankaj Kumar 9835676663 More..
2 Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak 9430672336 More..
3 Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh 7525052215 More

Supporting Staff

S. No Name Designation Mobile No.
1 Sri R. N. Suman Talkie Operator 9939946115
2 Sri Bandhan Singh Laboratory Assistant 7677719282

Photo Gallary

Contact Details

Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Associate Professor & Head
Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education
Contact No.: +91 9835676663
Email ID.: